Friday, September 2, 2011

Lunch Break Musings #1

Nothing serious this time around. Just talking about a few things :)

At long last, my website is nearing completion; which means that all of my blogs, videos, and other creative...creations will be available in one place. Though I technically have a website already, I was very disappointed with the outcome in various aspects (color, layout, interface). This time around I am using the [sometimes annoyingly] popular WordPress design, with a template from Elegant Themes.

Given the relative simplicity of using WordPress, my website should have been ready long ago. I mean hell, with the templates 90% of the design work is done for me! However with a combination of inexperience, a slight deficiency in attention, frustration, and thinking-too-much/overcomplicating-things, the process all but screeched to a hault for far too long.

I keep saying that I need to write more, and this is true. I honestly feel that writing (in addition to making videos) is both cathartic and therapeutic for me, even when I write about food & restaurants like in my other blog. Once the website completion is out of the way, that will be one less "obstacle" (so to speak) to take up my time from writing. You know, besides my general lack of attention and having to work. ...and video games

When all is said and done, I will post links pretty much everywhere I can think of: on here, my Twitter account, YouTube, Facebook, Google+, and Times Square (if it's affordable).

Random note on the topic of Twitter: I'll be creating an account for my dog Charlie. I know this sounds dumb to some people, but there seems to be a lot of "pet" accounts, and I think it will be interesting to see how many "Tweeps" he can meet on there. Or perhaps I'll create one account that all 3 of our pets will "use". Hmm...

...SQUIRREL! *runs off*

This was quite possibly the most nonsensical thing I've written since the emo songs/poems in high school.